Ashwicken C of E Primary School

Ashwicken CE Primary School Caring for Each Other
and Caring for Our World

Performance Data

End Of  Key Stage 2 School Data Summary 2023


KS2 Reading / Writing / Maths combined 56.3% expected standard
KS2 Reading (test) 62.5 % expected standard
KS2 Writing  (Teacher Assessment) 68.8 % expected standard
KS2 Maths (test)  68.8 % expected standard
KS2 GPS  (test) 62.5 % expected standard
Achieving a greater depth within the expected standard
KS2 Reading / Writing / Maths combined 6.3 % greater depth
KS2 Reading (test) 16 % greater depth
KS2 Writing (Teacher Assessment) 18.8 % greater depth
KS2 Maths (test) 18.8 % greater depth
KS2 GPS (test) 37.5 % greater depth


KS2 Reading (test) progress - 3.5 %
KS2 Writing (Teacher Assessment) progress -0.9 %
KS2 Maths ( test) progress  -0.2 %

Scaled scores

KS2 Reading (test) 103.3
KS2 Maths (test) 105.6
KS2 GPS (test) 102.5

End Of  Key Stage 2 School Data Summary 2022


KS2 Reading / Writing / Maths combined 41.2% expected standard
KS2 Reading (test) 47 % expected standard
KS2 Writing  (Teacher Assessment) 53 % expected standard
KS2 Maths (test)  52.9 % expected standard
KS2 GPS  (test) 41.5 % expected standard
Achieving a greater depth within the expected standard
KS2 Reading / Writing / Maths combined 0 % greater depth 
KS2 Reading (test) 12 % greater depth 
KS2 Writing (Teacher Assessment) 0 % greater depth 
KS2 Maths (test) 18 % greater depth 
KS2 GPD (test) 12 % greater depth 

Scaled score average

KS2 Reading (test) 100.3
KS2 Maths (test) 101.1
KS2 GPS (test) 104.1

2021 KS2 National Curriculum Assessments

The 2021 KS2 SATs were due start in the week commencing 10th May 2021.

However, following a rapid rise in the number of cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19) within the UK throughout the end of December 2020 and the beginning of January 2021, Gavin Williamson (the Education Secretary) announced that all GCSEs, A-Levels, AS-Levels and other exams would be cancelled.

2020 KS2 National Curriculum Assessments

In March 2020, the Secretary of State for Education announced that the 2019/20 national curriculum assessments would not take place due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. 

The following assessments were cancelled:

  • end of key stage 1 and key stage 2 assessments (including tests and teacher assessment)
  • phonics screening check
  • multiplication tables check
  • science sampling tests
  • all statutory trialling 

The department recognises this creates a gap in KS1 and KS2 attainment data for year 2 and year 6 pupils in 2020 and future progress measures that rely on that data will also be missing

End Of  Key Stage 2 School Data Summary 2019


KS2 Reading / Writing / Maths combined 52 % expected standard
KS2 Reading (test) 56 % expected standard
KS2 Writing  (Teacher Assessment) 92 % expected standard
KS2 Maths (test)  80 % expected standard
KS2 GPS  (test) 76 % expected standard
Achieving a greater depth within the expected standard
KS2 Reading / Writing / Maths combined 8 % greater depth
KS2 Reading (test) 16 % greater depth
KS2 Writing (Teacher Assessment) 36 % greater depth
KS2 Maths (test) 16 % greater depth


KS2 Reading (test) progress  -4.97%
KS2 Writing (Teacher Assessment) progress -0.7%
KS2 Maths ( test) progress  -2.79.%

Scaled scores

KS2 Reading (test) 102
KS2 Maths (test) 103.8
KS2 GPS (test) 104.1

To find out more information regarding the school's performance and to view the performance and attainment tables please click here
