School Uniform
Sweatshirts, Cardigans, Fleeces and Hoodies with the school logo are ordered through the school. No other logos or slogans to be worn.
Reception Class
- Navy blue jogging bottoms
- School sweatshirt
- White polo shirt
- Sturdy trainers, and a
- Navy blue fleece with or without school logo.
- Grey shorts ( girls or boys)
- Blue gingham dress
- White/grey short socks
- White polo shirt
- Sturdy shoes in black
PE Kit
- Update – plain navy blue tracksuit bottoms
- White polo shirt
- School fleece or navy zip-up fleece
- Navy blue shorts
- Plain Navy jumper/hoodie preferably without zip (Can be supplied by school)
Forest School
In Forest school we go out in all weathers. Please ensure that your child has wellies, a waterproof coat and old WARM clothes as they are very likely to get quite muddy.
For the rest of the school:
- Smart grey trousers
- Grey pinafore dress or skirt
- White blouse, shirt or polo shirt
- Navy sweatshirt or cardigan, with or without school logo
- Black shoes, not trainers
- Smart grey shorts
- Blue and white gingham dress
- Black shoes, not trainers
PE Kit
- Navy blue shorts
- White t-shirt/polo shirt
- Sturdy trainers
For colder weather, outdoors:
- Navy jogging trousers or navy tracksuit
- Navy hoodie preferably without zip and/or zip-up fleece - with or without school logo
The PE kit must be named and should all be in a clearly named bag if not being worn. E.g. trips or sports competitions
Forest School
In Forest School we go out in all weathers. Please ensure that your child has wellies and a warm waterproof coat.
Safety Precautions and School Expectations
- No jewellery is to be worn at school except for plain stud earrings and wristwatches. These must be removed for PE and swimming activities. Children must be able to remove these themselves.
- Long hair needs be tied back AT ALL TIMES
- No make-up or nail varnish to be worn
- Extreme hairstyles are not allowed