Ashwicken C of E Primary School

Ashwicken CE Primary School Caring for Each Other
and Caring for Our World

Monitoring Attendance

All children’s attendance figures will be monitored weekly 

• Attendance staff will meet weekly to analyse attendance patterns 
• Individual and whole school attendance, punctuality figures discussed and ways forward suggested. 
• Children causing concern will be discussed along with actions taken and progress towards targets.
• All parents receive a letter if attendance falls below 96%. 
• Children with attendance less than 96% are identified as causing concern 
• Children who are regularly late are also identified as causing concern 


Procedures for when attendance is causing concern

• If at the attendance meeting the child’s attendance/punctuality continues to cause concern. Parents/carers are invited to attend an attendance/punctuality meeting in school where a EHA (Early Help Assessment) will be offered 
• The pupil’s attendance/punctuality will be monitored until it is no longer a concern 
• If a child’s absence remains a cause of concern and after intervention by the school which will include unauthorised absences, then a referral to the Local Authority will be made. 
• The Local Authority will ask to meet with parents and school along with other professionals such as the school nurse to discuss absence issues. 