Ashwicken C of E Primary School

Ashwicken CE Primary School Caring for Each Other
and Caring for Our World

Our School Council

At Ashwicken Primary, the School Council is an important part of school life. It is an opportunity for children’s views, opinions, ideas and voices to be heard. As a result, the children are able to play an active role in improving and developing our school community.

Each class has two school council representatives. We meet once a half term and discuss a variety of topics including well-being, and decide what actions we would like to work on to improve our school. We also have class council meetings each term. The notes from these meetings get shared at school council meetings, ensuring every child in the school has the chance to have their say. The representatives feedback to their classes about the actions of the meeting are displayed on the school council display board for everyone to look at. The Headteacher is also informed of any decisions made. 

We believe that even the smallest idea can make a big difference.


Previously, the school council have set up a ‘Pupil voice’ box which the children can add their ideas to at any time and they will be discussed in our school council meetings. This gives everyone an extra opportunity to ensure that their views are being heard.

We have also updated our display board. It shows what projects the school council are working on so that everyone in school, as well as visitors, can see what we are doing.


As a result of class council meetings, the school council did an audit of playtime equipment and ordered some new games! It has been lovely to see the all the children in the school enjoy playing with them outside.


During the Spring term 2022, we had a delivery of beautiful plants as requested by the children. To read the full report, click here.

School Council Reports

School Council Report Autumn Term 2023

School Council Report Spring/Summer 2023

School Council Report Autumn Term 2022

School Council Report Spring Term 2022

School Council Report Autumn Term 2021

Pupil Voice Survey (Summer 2021)

During the summer term, all the children in our school participated in a pupil voice survey. We were all very pleased with the positive results and the lovely comments made by the children about their time in school.

Click here to see the results of the survey for each class
