Ashwicken C of E Primary School

Ashwicken CE Primary School Caring for Each Other
and Caring for Our World

Year 4-6 Knowledge Organisers

Please find below the information your child will be learning about each term. Our curriculum has been carefully considered and, to ensure that throughout their time at our school, they do not miss out on any of the National Curriculum content, we have planned for progression in each year group through the tasks that the children work towards. All tasks are scaffolded and supported to ensure a solid depth of learning in each and every subject. Knowledge organisers are a summary of the key facts and essential knowledge that pupils need about a unit of work or a curriculum subject. Children can use these to review, revise and quiz themselves using their knowledge organisers.


Autumn 1 Geography           Spring 1 Geography

Autumn 1 History                 Spring 1 History

Autumn 1 Science                 Spring 1 Science

Autumn 1 RE                         Spring 1 RE

Autumn 1 Art                         Spring DT

Autumn 2 Geography

Autumn 2 History

Autumn 2 Science

Autumn 2 RE

Autumn 2 ART

Autumn 2 computing


