Ashwicken C of E Primary School

Ashwicken CE Primary School Caring for Each Other
and Caring for Our World


All schools in England have a Governing Body which is responsible for overseeing many of the strategic decisions of the school. A key role is to act as a ‘critical friend’: to support, to challenge, to ask questions, to represent the school community. 

The Governing Body works in close partnership with the headteacher and staff, parents and pupils. Whilst the headteacher is, of course, responsible for the day to day running of the school, the governors are involved with such things as staffing, curriculum, school buildings and finance. 

It ensures the school functions well and maintains the proper range of academic and social objectives. involves setting the organisation’s overall strategic framework, including its vision and strategic priorities. It also includes responsibility for setting and modelling its culture, values and ethos. Where a school has a religious character, this should be done in conjunction with the diocesan authority, and with the local parish. 

Main Governors’ meetings are held once a term including Full Governing Body meetings and then there are separate finance, general purpose and curriculum meetings which monitor and evaluate the standards of learning and teaching and the impact that the school makes on children’s achievement and attainment they are also responsible for holding the leadership team to account for financial and organisational performance, and ensuring money is well spent. 

The Governing Body monitors how the school ensures that we achieve our national and locally set targets and the targets that we set ourselves. 

The governors' primary roles

  • Ensuring the ethos and the setting of principles under which the school operates.
  • Ensuring the National Curriculum is taught and ensure the school provides a high standard and effectiveness of teaching and learning.
  • Controlling the overall financial affairs of the School, setting financial priorities in line with the School Development Plan.
  • Appointing and supporting the teaching staff.
  • Maintaining and improving School standards
  • Maintaining and improving School facilities.
  • Acting as a link between the school, the local community and the parent body.

The governing body includes representatives from the Parish Council, the Parochial Church Council, the Diocesan Board of Education, the Staff and the Parents.

Our Governing Body

The Chair of the Governing Body is Mr Murree Groom

The Clerk to the Governors is Mrs Rebecca Blakeway-Long


Mr Murree Groom –  Chair of Governors. Technical Director of UK based bio-pesticide company still working full time with international business activity. All time spent on governing body as LEA governor. Four daughters passing through Ashwicken when it was a 'middle school.' Primary inputs and skills as project management and delivery. 

Miss Olivia Morris – Vice Chair of Governors. As Britain’s youngest governor, Olivia is passionate about making sure children’s views are represented by the governing body. She is a former pupil of Ashwicken and aims to shape pupils' experience based on her own.  She is responsible for GDPR. Olivia works locally for the House of Commons as a Communications Officer, and lives in the village. 

Mr Nigel Perks – Finance Chair. Retired from Senior Civil Service, HMRC. His background is in tax and financial management. His main focus is ensuring the leadership team sets appropriate budgets, delivering value for money in pursuing financial, educational and organisational objectives, benefiting all pupils and staff.   

Mr Clive Bush - Parent governor and part of the curriculum and buildings committee, with interest in health and safety and Christian standards and beliefs. Clive retired from the fire service 6yrs ago. 

Mr Robert Hammond- a newly arrived Governor who comes from a personal background of being a looked after child. Experienced in the health and social care profession who now run his own company that supports acute care settings to develop, focus on cultural changes and strive for excellence.   

Mrs Sophie Dickson – Sophie Dickson has had several years’ experience as a senior leader and has been assistant head in two previous schools of different sizes and in schools with differing catchments and needs. She has been head of Ashwicken since September 2019.  

Reverend Sue Martin - Rev’d Sue Martin Licensed in the Diocese of Norwich as Assistant Priest and working as Bishop’s Officer for Schools’ Mission in the Diocese of Ely, engaged with schools on Christian distinctiveness and church partnership. Living in Gayton, Norfolk and spent most of her working career as a primary school teacher, headteacher and consultant. 

Mr Lee Stevens-

Mr Peter Britton – Until the end of last year Peter was an employment judge for many years and is highly experienced in all matters to do with the world of work including equality and diversity. Prior to that he was a prominent local solicitor for many years. Before becoming a full time judge he was a governor of two local schools. All four of his children attended Ashwicken School.”

Mrs Lynette Woodhouse Staff governor. 

Mrs Emma Hardy - Parent Governor


If you wish to contact the Governing Body, please address any correspondence to the Chair of Governors via the following:

FAO Mrs Rebecca Blakeway-Long
Clerk to the Governors
Ashwicken VA Primary School
East Winch Road
King’s Lynn
Norfolk PE32 1LY

Telephone: 01553 630352


Alternatively the chair of governors email is:


Please click on the links below to see: 

Governors roles and attendance 2020-21   

 Governor attendance 2021-22

Governor declarations of interest 2021-22

Governor constitution 2021-22

Governor constitution 2022-23

Governor Attendance 2022-23

Governor Attendance 2023-24

