Ashwicken C of E Primary School

Ashwicken CE Primary School Caring for Each Other
and Caring for Our World

Curriculum Committee

  • To regularly monitor standards of attainment of the pupils, to oversee reporting to parents according to statutory requirements, and to present an annual report to the governing body on national testing.
  • To consider and advise the governing body on matters relating to the school’s curriculum, including statutory requirements and the Local Authority’s Curriculum Statement and ensure the statutory requirements are met
  • To consider and advise the governing body on curricular issues which have implications for Finance and Personnel decisions according to the SIDP
  • To make arrangements for the governing body to be represented at discussions with the Local Authority on Statutory Targets for End of Key Stage 2 National Tests and to set targets as required in consultation with the Headteacher and SIP
  • To oversee arrangements for individual governors to take a leading role in specific areas of provision, e.g. SEN, Literacy and Numeracy and Link Governors for each subject, by collaboration with the staff to provide information about how the curriculum is taught, evaluated and resourced.
  • To receive regular reports from Link Governors for each subject and advise the governing body
  • To monitor, evaluate and review the following policies; the List of School Policies and other Documents’ gives the schedule and details which policies are statutory.
  • Assessment, Behaviour/ Discipline, Collective Worship, Curriculum, Drugs Education, Early Years, English, Geography, History, Gifted and Talented, Home/school agreement, Homework, ICT, Internet, Maths, Monitoring, Music, PE, PSHCE, RE, Science, SEN, Sex Education, Swimming, Teaching/learning, Art Design
  • To review and approve the following documents as detailed in the List of School Policies and other Documents’ and to make recommendations to the governing body: Home School Agreement, School Prospectus
  • To set school attendance targets
  • To monitor the progress of pupils attainment on entry to the school and on an annual basis.
  • To monitor the progress of pupils identified by the Gifted and Talented policy.
  • To receive reports from Subject Leaders giving details of the monitoring and evaluation of significant curriculum spend showing the impact on continuous improvement

People who work in this committee:

Lynette Woodhouse ( Chair)

Lee Stevens

Rev Sue Martin

Clive Bush 

Sophie Dickson
